A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (2024)

Ever since the Star Trek: Discovery trailer came out last month, fans have been talking about the costumes and yesterdays release of the first picture of Captain Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs) gave us the clearest picture yet of the Starfleet uniforms.

For the past few weeks this has been me: “Zoom in…is that a seam, or is that just a digital artifact?” “See that person coming down the hall on the left…what are they holding?” “Ok back, and to the left…what’s on her boot?” I feel a bit like I have been on a CSI case, teasing out details from the smallest of clues, interviewing suspects who just aren’t talking. These new “Beastly Blues” are tricky! Hey, the original series movies had the “Monster Maroons” we need a catchy name too.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (1)

Starfleet officers in uniform from Star Trek: Discovery

These new uniforms appear to bethe most intricate of any seen before in the franchise, either on TV or film; providing a particular challenge to cosplayers seeking to craft their own. Showrunner Aaron Harberts recently cited them as one of the reasons the show has been delayed; they flew a costume designer to Switzerland to get the fabric, and some of the detailing had to be custom-made using 3D printers.

Like any uniform, these 23rd century Starfleet issues are designed to be both functional, and to convey information about the officer wearing them. We’ve taken a close look and created a detailed infographic for you. We also take a look piece-by-piece at each component with some zoomed in screenshots below. Let’s start with the infographic…

INFOGRAPHIC: The Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet Uniform

(Click for an even higher-resolution, downloadable version.)

Note that the above graphic is based on observations from what has been released as of now. As more images and information is released we will update the graphic and repost it.

The new Starfleet Uniform – a closer look

The Jackets

They key component of the new uniform is the jacket. All the uniforms (jacket and trousers) appear to come in the same basic blue. The zipper (which is slightly offset from center), shoulder braids (which seem decorative and don’t indicate rank), and a raised delta shield pattern on the sides all have the accent which indicates department: gold for command, silver for science, and bronze for operations. The captain also gets an additional striped shoulder pattern. One note is that the braid, as seen so far in the handful of examples from the trailer, has four stripes for women and five for men. This seems to be a function of the size of the uniform, not something indicating rank, division, or gender.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (3)

Shoulder braids and delta pattern in bronze, gold and silver indicate division with captains (center) getting special shoulder patch

Trousers and Boots

The delta pattern is continued on the trousers, which also include a zipper and stripes, again indicating division. This division detail continues even down to the boots, as not only do they have a color-coded stripe around the sole, there also appear to be two delta shield clasps as well. These are hard to see in the trailer, but can be made out with closer observation of the trailer.


Star Trek: Discovery also brings us delta shield badges which are new but still familiar as they use the same division symbols seen on the original Star Trek (set 10 years later). The badges are also color-coded to these same divisions, but they are doing double duty. They also function as rank insignia, although you will have to be pretty close to make it out. They are using a ‘pip’ system similar to that from Star Trek: Enterprise (set in the 22nd century) but actually more akin toStar Trek: The Next Generation‘s 24th century-era.

Starfleet insignia badges show both division and rank

One quick note on the ranks: If we assume TNG system of rank pips then the trailer images indicate that Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is a Commander and Saru (Doug Jones) is a Lt. Commander, however earlier reporting had them as Lt. Cmdr. and Lieutenant respectively. So either the Discovery pip system is different or their ranks on the show are different than originally reported, or possibly their ranks change during the show.

Variants and Other Starfleet Outfits

In addition to the main uniform, we have also seen some other bits of Starfleet kit. One of the more interesting ones appears to be some kind of variant. You only get a couple of glimpses of it from behind in the trailer, but it appears to be a short-sleeved version of the standard uniform with a sort of cumme*rbund wrap which is (of course) color-coded. There are only a couple of examples and both were female crew members so it is possible this variant is only for women. One of the images was from the back of the bridge, so it does still appear to be something worn on duty. Unfortunately we haven not seen the front of it so we can only speculate,but presumably it is a shirt with a badge or possibly the badge is on the cumme*rbund, like Kirk’s green wrap tunic. It may even be that this short-sleeved shirt is what is worn under the standard jacket.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (6)

Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet uniform variant in silver and bronze

An even more obscure detail was spotted for just a few milliseconds in a scene in the corridor of the U.S.S. Shenzhou. As we follow one officer (in the above mentioned variant) down the hall, a brief flash of another crew person putting on some kind of white jacket can be spotted. This white jacket could be casual wear, but a good guess might be that it’sa medical smock.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (7)

Blink and you miss it glimpse at a white smock

One thing we get a really good look at is a new spacesuit, worn by Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), as she takes a spacewalk in the trailer. And just likethe uniforms, this is the most elaborate Starfleet spacesuit seen in Trek.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (8)

Michael Burnham in Starfleet space suit

The trailer and officially released images also give us a look at some desert wear. These do not appear to be standard Starfleet desert uniforms as there are no indications of rank or division, unlike the desert uniforms seen on Star Trek: Enterpriseand similar uniforms onDeep Space Nine.However, they may still be Starfleet-issue and made to blend in with the locals on a visit to an alien world. The utility belt also seems to be similar to those from the original Star Trek’s “The Cage.”

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (9)

Captain Philippa Georgiou and Michael Burnham in desert clothes

Like in “The Cage”,Discovery has field jackets, but with a bit more of a tactical bent. The braiding along the sides of the pant and shirt are black, the collar is lower anda uniform hight and it zips to the top, and the chest, back and shoulders have extra protection in the form of a vest. Where the division badge would be looks to be a standard Starfleet Command insignia, like on the space suit. There is also another (different) utility belt for holding a sidearm onthe leg and (presumably) a communicator in the pouch at the waist.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (10)

Starfleet tacticaluniform

Changes made since first look

It also appears that there have been changes made to the uniforms since the behind-the-scenes teaser trailer was released in January. The badges appear to have been widened. The cut of the jacket seems to have changed as well. Plus, a color-coded zipper is now more prominent. .

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (11)

The uniforms have already changed since this earlier version was shown in January

“Happy Transporter Accident”

The new standard uniforms for Star Trek: Discovery are unique, and clearly different from the standard duty uniforms worn on the U.S.S. Enterprise either under Captain Kirk or Captain Pike, but that does not mean they are entirely new. Last summer,Discovery co-creator and former showrunner Bryan Fuller described the uniforms thusly:

“I think that when you see it [the uniform] I can tell you specifically what the influences are, and that the styles that [they adopted] a transporter accident in their approach. A happy transporter accident. I think when you see the design, you’ll say “It’s a little bit of this, it’s a little bit of that.”

When you look closely you do see various influences, particularly the 22nd century Starfleet jumpsuits seen on Star Trek: Enterprise. While the new uniforms are two pieces, you can still see the influence of the blue and the zippered pockets from Enterprise. And another major influence may be the excursion jackets from the original Star Trek episode “The Cage,” which is set at the same time asStar Trek: Discovery.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (12)

As noted before, the insignia design and sizing are pretty much straight out of the original Star Trek, although styled more as badges than sewn on. The rank pips on the badges seem to be replicated from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (13)

The new Discovery badges appear to be a mashup of TOS design with TNG rank system

As for the color-coding system of gold, silver and bronze, this may be another element that pulls from “The Cage” style. With gold again for command, science blue becoming silver, and the operations tan becoming bronze.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (14)

Classic division colors may have influenced the silver, gold and bronze for Discovery

The uniforms may also share more influences from beyond Star Trek, including NASA. The shoulder braids seem particularly reminiscent of a classic sci-fi look from the 1950s, also used extensively in Futurama.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (15)

More influences for the new Discovery uniforms?

Keep up with all theStar Trek: Discoverynews at TrekMovie.

What do you think of the new uniforms?

So what do you think of Starfleet’s latest outfits? Sound off in our comments section below.

Aaron Harvey is a graphic designer and hosts an excellent podcast dedicated to Star Trek: TAS (and Trek in the 70s) for Trek.fm called Saturday Morning Trek.

A Close-Up Look At ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Uniforms [INFOGRAPHIC] (2024)


Why are the uniforms in Star Trek Discovery different? ›

Star Trek: Discovery's uniforms were originally an sleek update of Star Trek: Enterprise's blue jumpsuits. At the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 3, Discovery's crew donned tailored grey uniforms with colored stripes denoting rank that drew comparisons to the uniforms showcased in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

What do the different colored uniforms in Star Trek mean? ›

The black areas are seen on the shoulders and the pants, and the uniforms's sleeves and abdominal area are colored to indicate the individual's division, with red indicating command and helm; gold for engineering, security, and operations; and blue for science and medical (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint").

Why did Kirk wear a yellow shirt? ›

Kirk was most notable for wearing this, a bright yellow uniform which was actually, due to the late 60s limitations for color film, slightly green in real life.

Why does Spock wear blue? ›

The blue shirts are worn by the science/medical staff, including McCoy and Spock. As with everything in Star Trek, though, it's a lot more complicated than all of that. In addition to the red shirts belonging to engineers and communications personnel, they are also assigned to the security division.

Why is Kirk's uniform green? ›

There's anoticeable remnant of this design in the show, which is that Kirk'swraparound shirt, and the command dress uniform tunics, are greeninstead of yellow. Evidently this is the green we were meant to beseeing all along, which appeared more accurately on film because ofthe different composition of the fabrics.

Why were Star Trek uniforms uncomfortable? ›

Our one-piece uniforms, created by the original Star Trek's costume designer, William Ware Theiss, were made of spandex and deliberately cut one size too small so that they never wrinkled and kept our bodies on constant display." The uniforms certainly fulfilled that mandate, but they didn't feel great.

Did Captain Kirk wear a toupee? ›

Shatner reportedly started going bald at age 9, and by the time he'd been cast as Kirk in the original Star Trek series, he was regularly wearing toupees or "the merkins of the head," as nobody calls them. Producer Robert H.

Why did Kirk call him Bones? ›

In the 2009 Star Trek film reboot, when McCoy first meets Kirk, he complains that his ex-wife took all their shared assets following their divorce: "All I got left is my bones", implying this was the origin of the nickname.

Why does Picard wear red? ›

Why did Picard wear red? Simple because the rank of Captain is part of the command section of Starfleet. The Starfleet uniforms were colour coded so you could tell which section a cast/crew member was part of. So because of his rank as Captain that is why Picard wore a red uniform.

Is Mr Spock asexual? ›

Spock as written is a half Vulcan, half human hybrid male. Vulcan males undergo Ponn-Far (the blood fever) every seven years, which can be violent and disruptive. He must either mate or undergo the Kun-Ut-Kal-i-fe to retain his sanity. At other times he is, for the most part, asexual.

What illness did Spock have? ›

Spock on Star Trek, was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive illness often linked to smoking. He died at his home on February 27 at the age of 83. He was one of the roughly 15 million Americans diagnosed with the disorder.

Why does Deanna Troi wear a different uniform? ›

Summary. Troi wore civilian clothes for most of TNG to put her patients at ease as the ship's counselor and indicate her position. Captain Picard allowed Troi to wear civilian clothes on the bridge due to her empathic abilities and his disregard for unnecessary regulations.

Why does Star Trek: Discovery look different? ›

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.

Why does Picard have a different uniform? ›

The captain's uniform was designed by Robert Blackman to make Captain Picard stand out from the rest of his crew, at the suggestion of actor Patrick Stewart.

Why does Riker have a different uniform? ›

Presumably because that's the uniform he was wearing at the time Q abducted him. The TNG uniform was still the standard service uniform for the fleet at the time (the VOY/DS9 uniforms were meant to be the fatigue variant) and the new, more unified gray shouldered uniforms wouldn't be rolled out for another year yet.

What color is Starfleet uniform in Discovery? ›

Perhaps most memorably, on The Original Series command division was gold, science and medical were blue, and operations, engineering and security were red. Naturally, that approach continues on CBS's franchise revival Star Trek: Discovery, with some notable alterations. Set a decade before Kirk, Spock & Co.

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