Split data into groups and apply function (2024)

Split data into groups and apply function

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Y = splitapply(func,X,G)

Y = splitapply(func,X1,...,XN,G)

Y = splitapply(func,T,G)

[Y1,...,YM] = splitapply(___)


To split data into groups and apply a function to the groups, use the findgroups and splitapply functions together. For more information about calculations on groups of data, see Calculations on Groups of Data.


Y = splitapply(func,X,G) splits X into groups specified by G and applies the function func to each group. Then splitapply returns Y as an array that contains the concatenated outputs from func for the groups split out of X. The input argument G is a vector of positive integers that specifies the groups to which corresponding elements of X belong. If G contains NaN values, splitapply omits the corresponding values in X when it splits X into groups.

To create G, first use the findgroups function. Then use splitapply.


Y = splitapply(func,X1,...,XN,G) splits X1,...,XN into groups and applies func. The splitapply function calls func once per group, with corresponding elements from X1,...,XN as the N input arguments to func.


Y = splitapply(func,T,G) splits variables of table T into groups, applies func, and returns Y as an array. The splitapply function treats the variables of T as vectors, matrices, or cell arrays, depending on the data types and sizes of the table variables. If T has N variables, then func must accept N input arguments.


[Y1,...,YM] = splitapply(___) splits variables into groups and applies func to each group. func returns multiple output arguments. Y1,...,YM contains the concatenated outputs from func for the groups split out of the input data variables. func can return output arguments that belong to different classes, but the class of each output must be the same each time func is called. You can use this syntax with any of the input arguments of the previous syntaxes.

The number of output arguments from func need not be the same as the number of input arguments specified by X1,...,XN.


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Use Group Numbers to Split Data

Open Live Script

Use group numbers to split patient weight measurements into groups of weights for smokers and nonsmokers. Then calculate the mean weight for each group of patients.

Load patient data from the sample file patients.mat.

load patientswhos Smoker Weight
 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes Smoker 100x1 100 logical Weight 100x1 800 double 

Specify groups with findgroups. Each element of G is a group number that specifies which group a patient is in. Group 1 contains nonsmokers and group 2 contains smokers.

G = findgroups(Smoker)
G = 100×1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ⋮

Display the weights of the patients.

Weight = 100×1 176 163 131 133 119 142 142 180 183 132 ⋮

Split the Weight array into two groups of weights using G. Apply the mean function. The mean weight of the nonsmokers is a bit less than the mean weight of the smokers.

meanWeights = splitapply(@mean,Weight,G)
meanWeights = 2×1 149.9091 161.9412

Split Two Data Variables and Apply Function

Open Live Script

Calculate the variances of the differences in blood pressure readings for groups of patients, and display the results. The blood pressure readings are contained in two data variables. To calculate the differences, use a function that takes two input arguments.

Load blood pressure readings and smoking data for 100 patients from the data file patients.mat.

load patientswhos Systolic Diastolic Smoker
 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes Diastolic 100x1 800 double Smoker 100x1 100 logical Systolic 100x1 800 double 

Define func as a function that calculates the variances of the differences between systolic and diastolic blood-pressure readings for smokers and nonsmokers. func requires two input arguments.

func = @(x,y) var(x-y)
func = function_handle with value: @(x,y)var(x-y)

Use findgroups and splitapply to split the patient data into groups and calculate the variances of the differences. findgroups also returns group identifiers in smokers. The splitapply function calls func once per group, with Systolic and Diastolic as the two input arguments.

[G,smokers] = findgroups(Smoker);varBP = splitapply(func,Systolic,Diastolic,G)
varBP = 2×1 44.4459 48.6783

Create a table that contains the variances of the differences, with the number of patients in each group.

numPatients = splitapply(@numel,Smoker,G);T = table(smokers,numPatients,varBP)
T=2×3 table smokers numPatients varBP _______ ___________ ______ false 66 44.446 true 34 48.678

Return Nonscalar Output for Groups

Open Live Script

Calculate the minimum, median, and maximum weights for groups of patients and return these results as arrays for each group. splitapply concatenates the output arguments so that you can distinguish output for each group from output for the other groups.

Define a function that returns the minimum, median, and maximum as a row vector.

mystats = @(x)[min(x) median(x) max(x)]
mystats = function_handle with value: @(x)[min(x),median(x),max(x)]

Load patient weights, hospital locations, and statuses as smokers from the sample file patients.mat.

load patientswhos Weight Location Smoker
 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes Location 100x1 14208 cell Smoker 100x1 100 logical Weight 100x1 800 double 

Use findgroups and splitapply to split the patient weights into groups and calculate statistics for each group.

G = findgroups(Location,Smoker);Y = splitapply(mystats,Weight,G)
Y = 6×3 111.0000 137.0000 194.0000 120.0000 170.5000 189.0000 118.0000 134.0000 189.0000 115.0000 170.0000 191.0000 117.0000 140.0000 189.0000 126.0000 178.0000 202.0000

In this example, you can return nonscalar output as row vectors because the data and grouping variables are column vectors. Each row of Y contains statistics for a different group of patients.

Split Table Data Variables and Apply Function

Open Live Script

Calculate the mean body-mass-index (BMI) from tables of patient data. Group the patients by hospital locations and statuses as smokers or nonsmokers.

Load patient data and grouping variables from the sample file patients.mat into tables. (Convert the hospital locations to a string array.)

load patientsDT = table(Height,Weight);Location = string(Location);GT = table(Location,Smoker);

Define a function that calculates mean BMI from the weights and heights of groups or patients.

meanBMIFcn = @(h,w)mean((w ./ (h.^2)) * 703)
meanBMIFcn = function_handle with value: @(h,w)mean((w./(h.^2))*703)

Create a table that contains the mean BMI for each group.

[G,results] = findgroups(GT);meanBMI = splitapply(meanBMIFcn,DT,G);results.meanBMI = meanBMI
results=6×3 table Location Smoker meanBMI ___________________________ ______ _______ "County General Hospital" false 23.774 "County General Hospital" true 24.865 "St. Mary's Medical Center" false 22.968 "St. Mary's Medical Center" true 24.905 "VA Hospital" false 23.946 "VA Hospital" true 24.227 

Return Multiple Outputs for Groups

Open Live Script

Calculate the minimum, mean, and maximum weights for groups of patients and return results in a table.

Load patient data into a table.

load patientsT = table(Smoker,Weight)
T=100×2 table Smoker Weight ______ ______ true 176 false 163 false 131 false 133 false 119 false 142 true 142 false 180 false 183 false 132 false 128 false 137 false 174 true 202 false 129 true 181 ⋮

Group patient weights by smoker status. The attached supporting function, multiStats, returns the minimum, mean, and maximum values from an input array as three outputs. Apply multiStats to the smokers and nonsmokers. Create a table that contains the outputs from multiStats for each group.

[G,smoker] = findgroups(T.Smoker);[minWeight,meanWeight,maxWeight] = splitapply(@multiStats,T.Weight,G);result = table(smoker,minWeight,meanWeight,maxWeight)
result=2×4 table smoker minWeight meanWeight maxWeight ______ _________ __________ _________ false 111 149.91 194 true 115 161.94 202 
function [lo,avg,hi] = multiStats(x) lo = min(x); avg = mean(x); hi = max(x);end

Input Arguments

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funcFunction to apply to groups of data
function handle

Function to apply to groups of data, specified as a function handle.

If func returns a nonscalar output argument, then the argument must be oriented so that splitapply can concatenate the output arguments from successive calls to func. For example, if the input data variables are column vectors, then func must return either a scalar or a row vector as an output argument.

Example: Y = splitapply(@sum,X,G) returns the sums of the groups of data in X.

XData variable
vector | matrix | cell array

Data variable, specified as a vector, matrix, or cell array. The elements of X belong to groups specified by the corresponding elements of G.

If X is a matrix, splitapply treats each column or row as a separate data variable. The orientation of G determines whether splitapply treats the columns or rows of X as data variables.

GGroup numbers
vector of positive integers

Group numbers, specified as a vector of positive integers.

  • If X is a vector or cell array, then G must be the same length as X.

  • If X is a matrix, then the length of G must be equal to the number of columns or rows of X, depending on the orientation of G.

  • If the input argument is table T, then G must be a column vector. The length of G must be equal to the number of rows of T.

TData variables

Data variables, specified as a table. splitapply treats each table variable as a separate data variable.

More About

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Calculations on Groups of Data

In data analysis, you commonly perform calculations on groups of data. For such calculations, you split one or more data variables into groups of data, perform a calculation on each group, and combine the results into one or more output variables. You can specify the groups using one or more grouping variables. The unique values in the grouping variables define the groups that the corresponding values of the data variables belong to.

For example, the diagram shows a simple grouped calculation that splits a 6-by-1 numeric vector into two groups of data, calculates the mean of each group, and then combines the outputs into a 2-by-1 numeric vector. The 6-by-1 grouping variable has two unique values, AB and XYZ.

Split data into groups and apply function (1)

You can specify grouping variables that have numbers, text, dates and times, categories, or bins.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

See Also

findgroups | rowfun | varfun | unique | arrayfun | groupsummary | discretize | histcounts | accumarray | convertvars | vartype


  • Perform Calculations by Group in Table
  • Summarize or Pivot Data in Tables Using Groups
  • Calculations When Tables Have Both Numeric and Nonnumeric Data

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Split data into groups and apply function (2)

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Split data into groups and apply function (2024)
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